I am so blessed that I have such great friends that are encouraging me to keep up my blog. This one is for them.
Friendship is that unique relationship that knows no difference, cultural or otherwise. Everyone wants a friend, a friend to share joys and sorrows with, a friend to care and support in need. But finding a true friend is not easy. Its not easy becoming a friend or making one. (I have lost a few true friendships in my lifetime and even today it hurts.) Friendship is not a “state of mind” it’s real and it’s in your face. A friend is someone who makes your life worthwhile.
We all need friends to make our lives better. In friendship “honesty” is the key word. One should always be honest to their friends. Praise them honestly and openly. (like, I say to my friends. “You’re the Best”.) Say sorry, when you hurt your friend. (or family). Don’t let them assume it.
Be there when they need you or you may wind up alone. (I remember my friend Susan was there for me when my father died. I think her shoulder was soaked with tears the night I found out he had passed, and she didn’t mind.) So never forget them.
Forgive them for,“ To Err is Human,” and you may make the same mistake and need forgiveness.
Get together often, even just to “shoot the breeze”, Talk often, communication is important. Always remember a friedship is worth it when you are able to enjoy the amazing relationship with no holds barred. It’s a mutual bond for life that you can’t give up.
So today enjoy your friendships. Call them, just to shoot the breeze. And have a great day with a friend. It’s early so I think I will call my friend and take her out to Timmies for a coffee.
Gotta love friends. Nette