my family

my family
can't we have a serious photo for once

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dancing with Kirstie Alley

I love Kirstie Alley, she is a hilarious comedian, and can laugh at herself.  She has struggled with weight and has tried and succeeded in loosing a lot, but ending up putting it back on.  This happens to most people.  I believe it’s in your genes.  I’m not saying this to justify mine or anybody else’s weight.  There are people that eat an enormous amount of food and not gain a pound.  Well it’s in their genes. Kirstie is 60 yrs old give her a break.  Here is the comment that George Lopez said on his late night show regarding her dance on Dancing with the stars.  It’s not only not funny it is hurtful.  But Kristy’s reply IS funny.
He had said: “She did a nice job, her little hooves tapping away. Before the show she went to the market, then she had roast beef, and this is her going all the way home.” Kirsty has rejected his apology. Which was. “I misjudged the joke. No malice was intended and I apologize to Kirstie.” She replied, “I don’t consider “I misjudged the joke’ an apology, sort of like a husband saying, “I misjudged putting my dick in a whore, sorry hon,,,hehe. She also added a reference to his divorcing wife Ann who donated a kidney to him in 2005. She Added: “George I don’t need or want ur apology…I want your kidney dude..on behalf of ur X and all the women you have insulted..give it back.”  I will watch Dancing with the stars because I love this talented actress.  Two thumbs up for Kirstie.       

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

To charge rent or not

Every parent wants the best for their kids. If we’ve struggled in life, especially financially, we don’t want our kids to go through that.  Yet as my 20 year old son has been out of school for almost 3 yrs, I’ve come to wonder whether I’m actually hurting him more than helping by not expecting him to pay very much for rent or any of our household expenses. Since he brings in an income – and spends it all, it occurred to me that he actually spends quite a bit per month on those variable luxuries.
I’m not sure what a reasonable amount to charge your own kid is – but overall I think it would be what you would charge to rent out a room in your house to another independent adult who isn’t your kid. So why can’t I do that? It could give him the push that he needs to find a better paying job that is full time which he is certainly capable of.  In hindsight, I think I have done my son a great disservice in not expecting him to be more financially self-sustaining from the time he turned 18.  I would always say, “But he’s a good kid.” Another mistake I know I am making is not insisting he pay his rent on time. Is that going to make him be delinquent on his mortgage or rent payments or car payments (when he moves out). I give advice on buying RRSP’s but he thinks that’s a waste of money. I know he has his plan on how he is going to make money and I think that’s great, but I also wonder if it is a pipe dream. I do encourage him and hope with all my heart that his dream comes true.  We all have dreams so go for them and don’t give up.  Life is a hard job, and kids need to know that.  So for now I won’t raise his rent but I do expect more from him down the road.  Encourage our kids. Nette

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Gramma is reading the rules

Both Mother and Baby are well.  Stanley had some breathing problems, his breathing was only 75% when he was born and he had a fever so the little guy was on an antibiotic IV and oxygen for 48 hrs. His breathing is perfect now and the infection is gone.  He is so sweet. 
I have been reading about how to be a good gramma.  Most of the articles are about what not to do.  Don’t give advice, don’t go over to often, don’t plan your weekends around your grandchild, don’t spoil them.  Holy crap I have already done them all.  They say that the relationship between a parent and child, and a grandparent and child are totally different. Our adopted Nana and Papa always said that the love for a grandchild is so intense that you can’t explain it.  I don’t know that yet but I am 100% sure they were right.  I have been so sad since he was born, I didn’t know why but now I do.  I haven’t had a chance to hold him until day three.  They are home now from the hospital and Mike called at 8:30 last night and asked me to come over because he felt bad that I haven’t had a chance to hold him. I was already in bed but jumped out got dressed and was there in a flash. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww is all I can say.  I left him with a 100 kisses on top of his head and the lovely smell of baby in my nostrils.  Doting Gramma? You bet.  

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Paddy's Day Baby

My baby has arrived at 4 this morning.  I only got a peek at him at 6am because visiting isn't until 2.  I'll be back then.  I'm so happy.  8lbs 13oz and looks like Michael.  Photos to come. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Grandbaby number one

I have been on pins and needles all day.  Baby Stanley was suppose to be induced today, but can you believe it, the hospital is full and there is no room for her today or tomorrow.  They are sending her to Fergus hospital, (15 minutes from Guelph) tomorrow afternoon.  Good grief!!  Waiting to be a grandma is harder than actually being the pregnant mom.  I don’t want to miss anything.  The bond between a daughter in law and mom in law can be a fragile one. Add an impending stork arrival to the mix and things can get even more complicated. For the expectant mother, there may be boundaries she needs to have respected as she prepares for the birth of her child from the expectant grandma, (which I believe I have been good about,) Her mom has no boundy’s which I understand and respect so there is undoubtedly excitement and an eagerness to be involved by both of us in the process. Finding the proper balance has been a bit tricky but by being patient I have found it possible to enjoy the pregnancy and celebrate the new addition to arrive.  They have done a beautiful job in preparing for this little one. So I will go to work tomorrow again and have a grin ear to ear telling everyone that Stanley is on his way.  I love you guys. nette

Monday, March 14, 2011


Bonding for me means many things.  We know that dogs have long been considered “man’s best friend,” and they have certainly earned the title.  The bond between humans and canines is unmistakable.  People have always been drawn to them and they to us.  Dogs have helped us in so many ways and expect little in return and are faithful and remain our loyal companions.  In return we care for them and maintain a good quality of life for them.  I miss my dog Josie, she was such a lovely dog and would be by my side day and night. 
As for humans, bonding takes some work.  It’s also in the little things we do.  For example my son David will ask me to watch one of his movies and I just don’t have the same taste in movies, so of course I say, No that’s okay. “But please mom it’s so good.”  I ask, “ does it have blood and guts in it.?” Of course it does.  Then he comes out with the old “ It’s will give us a chance to bond.” My heart melts and I agree to watch it.  My other son uses it on my too. Michael will for example the other day ask if I would drive him to Mississauga, I said, “but it’s already 2:00 o’clock, its kinda late in the day. “  He pulled the, “It will give us some bonding time.” So off we drive to Mississauga.   We actually have a good time. He can be a chatterbox sometimes.
Now there’s bonding with friends outside the family.  That can be challenging.  I have a lot of very good friends.  I try to be a true and faithful friend.  My sister has firmly believed that the one way you can tell if you have actually bonded with a friend is if you or he/she can “fart” in front of each other.  I know this may shock you coming out of my mouth. Sorry.  I don’t mean that oops, it slipped out, excuse me fart.  I mean the loud one that you just can’t pretend that it didn’t happen.  Of course then you both laugh so hard it invariably happens again and you laugh even louder.  Well I’m happy to say it happened to me this weekend,  I am blessed to have this friend as my close bonded friend.  (I am going to be dead when this person reads this.  Sorry I couldn’t help myself, but no names have been mentioned to protect the innocent.)  So, for all of you out there try to bond with a friend (you don’t really have to fart in front of them, just be there and enjoy that person.) nite for now. nette
 There are only two people who can tell you the truth about yourself - an enemy who has lost his temper and a friend who loves you dearly.Antisthenes

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


My son.  Well this photo tells all.  He’s unique.  He is a doll to me and a bigger hugger.  He is going through a phase at the moment and I’m not sure I like it.  He is a good boy so, so what if his hair is yellow and red.  He plans to breed snakes and sell them for major bucks.  I think he can do it.  He has some gorgeous colored snakes. They are very tame as you can see by the one around my neck in a previous blog.  He is a faithful friend and still bff’s to his kindergarten friends. He adores his sister and looks up to his big brother.  All in all I am proud of him. Go David. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Like I promised a before and after photo.  I did say that my babysitting stint went well but I am quite tired.  I came home to a stinky house (David didn't clean the litter box, I do it daily). but he was making dinner for me.  David made chicken cordon blue and noodles. Chilled wine and my feet up and I am feeling quite relaxed.  Would I do it again.  Maybe in a couple of years but by then the kids will be old enough to babysit themselves.  Now it is only 5 days for the due date of my grand baby to be born.  The time has flown by.  Audrey looks beautiful so if my nana was right it will be a boy.  (if its a girl she drains the beauty out of the mom for herself as old wivestales say).  So here I am.  Do I look okay to you?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day "I can't remember"

Well one more sleep. As much as I love the  bed here I am ready to sleep in my own bed.  Things have gone smoothly here, but it's time to go home.  I had a day here with a sick child (who by the way was better by 9)  I miss work, it seems like forever since I was there.  My sister just wrote a blog about retiring, I don't think I'm ready for that.  I miss my garage too. I have started my car early so I wouldn't have to scrap the ice off.  Now the kids are horsing around so i better get them in the car.  See you at work, nette