my family

my family
can't we have a serious photo for once

Saturday, January 29, 2011

To Love and be Loved

Have you told someone how grateful you are for them today?  It’s such a small thing, but it can have a huge impact on your life, and the life of that person. Telling someone you love isn’t hard at all. But the words can lose meaning if they’re just words. You need to say them with sincerity, or show your love through little actions. I know I usually write humorous blogs but today I want to share how much I love my family and friends.
I just close my eyes, and take a couple of minutes to think of the people and things I’m grateful for and whom I love. If you have a loved one in your life, give them a hug! Tell them you love them. Often we can go too long without showing our affection and love, even to those who are closest to us. At the end of the day we are often too exhausted and stressed out from the grind and chaos of the day that we don’t have time for what’s important to us.  What we need to be doing is spending time with the ones we love.  I am grateful that I could spend as much time with Laura while she was here.  I sure did give lots of hugs and kisses, sure I would get “mooomm” but that didn’t stop me.  Now I stop and think.  “Have I given my boys the hugs and kisses”?  I know I will today. So I want to tell the ones I love that are reading my blog today that you are a blessing in my life and I do love you.  And a special Hug and Love to my friend that needs it now. Be strong friend and call me anytime. Love Nette

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Scrabble anyone?

A friendly game of scrabble?  I don’t think so.  Sure it starts out friendly but take my spot where I was planning a “bingo” (using all your letters and getting 50 point bonus). We played scrabble quite a bit with my mom when I was younger (a young adult I mean) Can you believe it, my mom who’s first language is Danish, can beat the pants off you.  She’s sneaky.  I can’t get mad at her because she is so cute.  I have been playing scrabble on my Nintendo DS for a year or two, and am pretty good at it. I beat the computer every time, (almost every time).  I have the 2 letter words down pact and know where to sneak them in on a triple word score.  Like QI, love that one.  If you get the Q on a triple letter, that’s 30 points.  My friend AKA Louise, (my game name is Thelma) and I played scrabble at her cottage for the first time last summer.  She wasn’t a big player but now look out she’s found the tricks. Triple this, triple that.  We played this weekend and I have major competition with her. It gets more competitive after a few glasses of wine.  Yes we are still friends.  Okay now for the stinger!  I logged on to and tried scrabble on line.  I started at the beginners level and played the robot.  I was doing pretty good until a real person jumped in on my game.  Dah she/he had to be a pro.  I was ambushed.  Not happy. (cus I thought I was good) . Michelle at work plays on line quite a bit and told me about  I was afraid to play with her because I didn’t want to lose.  As I’m practicing with the robot I get a message. “I see you” yes it was Michelle.  Nooo I’m not ready for you.  We played 2 games and damn she’s good.  I need more practice with the sneaky 3 letter word.  Am I addicted to Scrabble, you bet.  Bring it on, but give me some practice time.  Nette

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I adore it!  If you were to ask me what my favorite chocolate is, I’d say all of them, except the ones with the pink or orange inside.  I can take it plain, dark, semi-sweet, bitter, melted, with fruits and nuts, creamy or sweet, gooey or crunchy, with liquors or not .  The mere scent of it makes me happy, and to have a taste…. heavenly!  No wonder I am addicted to it. (but, what woman isn’t?) We still have boxes of chocolates from Christmas hiding in the cupboards at work and today we opened the pot of gold.  I always like to take the square one in one of the corners which is most likely to be caramel.  One of my favorites.  How to eat from a box of chocolates?  Never never go to the second layer until the first layer is gone.  That’s like reading the last page of a book ahead of time.  Can’t do it.  I bite my tongue at work when someone does it since its not my box of chocolates.  Boxes of chocolates always reminds me of my childhood.  Mom would get a box and would share them carefully, one a day.  When I was 13 and my sister was 14 we babysat together at the neighbors on New Years Eve.  On the coffee table was the biggest double layer box of chocolate we had ever seen. “Help yourself to as much as you like” Their mom said.  We were in heaven. So we thought, until something terrifying happened.  Some high school boys decided to try to break into the house. (they saw us through the window when the parents left).  We were so upset that we didn’t even eat any chocolates.  (its quite a long story so I may tell it another time.) Needless to say it didn’t scar me for life so offer me chocolate and I won’t say no. 
Hope there’s some left at work tomorrow.  Yum yum,  Nette

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gonna miss my girl

I was lucky I could get off early to spend some time with Laura today. Thanks to my favorite boss.  She (laura) is leaving tomorrow for down under. So here I sit with a glass of wine and a tear in my eye.  She will return in May for a couple of months and then she will have to return for her final 4 months and graduation.  So much time away.  Can I save up 4 grand to visit next fall?  Maybe I can set up a jar in the lunch room at work.  Will the donations grow or will there be a lonely loonie (or quarter) in the bottom.  We have a lotto group at work and we feel good about winning the jackpot this year.  Yeah!
I will focus on the next few months and the coming of my grandchild.  I'm sure i will be so busy that the time will fly by.  I'm so excited about so many things.  Nette

Monday, January 17, 2011


I can find more excuses not to exercise than anyone else. 
1.      I can’t do it in the morning because I have my routine that must’nt be broken.
2.      I just want to sit for 5 minutes when I get home, 5 turns into 10 then 30.  Well now its too late because I have to make supper.
3.      I’m too full.  I just ate and I need my food to digest.
4.      I’m kinda cold so I need to put on my snuggie to warm up.  Then I’m nice and cozy and don’t want to get uncozy.
5.      A good TV show is on so I will do it after that.
6.      Now I’m too tired and need to get to bed. 
7.      It’s the weekend so I will only do it on weekdays. Have I missed any.   
If there’s an excuse I will find it.  I really don’t like my AB DOER, it hurts,  but I will keep using it because “No Pain, No Gain”  So now off with my bra and into my slouchy’s.  Insert disk into machine and here I go.   Ouch.  Nette

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I have decided to write my Christmas note now in the New Year.  Wow 2011.  My Christmas was filled with family.  Laura and her new husband Sean are home from Australia. Michael and Audrey are expecting their first baby in March and I am so excited.  They are very happy together.  David is now 20 years old but still my baby.  My nephew (Charlottes son) Christopher was here for Christmas as well.  We all enjoyed his visit and played lots of fun board games together. 
Laura is in her final year of Medical School and will be returning to Australia on Jan. 20th.  She will be gone for about 5 months without Sean.  He is staying here now that he has a good job at a bank.  I am glad Laura has been here since all the flooding in Australia.  The house that Laura and Sean were living in before, they left was totally covered in the flood.  They donated all their furniture before they flew back to Canada.  Laura will be staying with a girlfriend when she returns.  Her house was partly flooded as well.  It looks like Laura will be going back to quite a mess.  We will all miss her but also look forward to May when she will be back working at Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto for her elective. 
Mike and Audrey live in an older quant house here in town.  They are getting ready for the baby and before Christmas we went Crib shopping.  We got a beautiful one at 40% off at Sears.  Mike works at a restaurant here in Guelph.  Good food.  Audrey works at a little cafĂ© downtown and will work until little “Stanley” (if it’s a boy) arrives.  No name picked yet if it’s a girl.
David works at a department store and likes it.  He is thinking about going to university in a year.  He would like to get into a career working with animals.  (reptiles) 
And as for me.  I am doing wonderfully.  Love my house and family and I have lots of good friends.  My work at the doctors office is going well.  We have a nice staff of 8 doctors and my co-workers are awesome.  I have taken up a new hobby which is photography.  I have also started a blog called “Jeanette’s Day by Day” on 
So until next time I see you or hear from you all my best to you and your family, 
                            Love Nette

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fruit of the Loom

I love underwear, you love underwear, we all love underwear, and the majority of us wear underwear but haven't you ever looked down at your Fruit of the Looms and thought hmmmm... I wish I was thin. If someone has ever teased you about wearing "granny panties," (and I can name 2 at least..Michelle/Kathy) they are making fun of those bulky, oversized panties that most people hope will never see the light of day when they wear them. These undergarments are the opposite of sexy and are generally a turnoff when seen by the opposite sex. (Not that I would know).  However, these geriatric-like undergarments are secretly loved because of how comfortable they are.
While granny panties may not be the most attractive choice in undergarments, they are quite comfy. When I curl up and read a book or having a lazy day and watching television, granny panties can be convenient as well. Because these panties tend to be big, they don't ride up, they provide full coverage for the butt and they work great with sweatpants.
Granny panties got their name because they look like panties that a grandmother would wear. If you're wondering if you own any underwear that can be classified as "granny panties," go take a look in your drawer and pull out the biggest pair of underwear you have. If it has a high waistline and elastic waistband, if it rises so high that it either covers the belly button or stops right below it, and if it also fully covers the derriere, you've got a pair of granny panties. Not one inch of butt is exposed when a woman is wearing granny panties. Would I trade in my Walmart Fruit of the Looms for a pair of sexy lacy stringy thongs?  No way but you can ask me that question one day when (or if) I have a man in my life.  But first I need to get on my AB  DOER exerciser and get thin.  Here I go.  Nette

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Mom

Mothers.  What can I say about mothers that, doesn’t sound like a clichĂ©.  Mine is unique.  Love her to pieces.  She has 6 kids and there is no doubt that there is no favoritism at all.   She loves us equally. She never has a bad word about any of us.  Unconditional love for sure.  My mother’s love is something that I cannot explain. It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifices and pain.  Her love is endless and unselfish and enduring, come what may.  Nothing can destroy or take that love away.  Her love is patient and forgiving and never fails to show us all just how strong it is.  She is a strong woman and has taught me how to love unconditionally.  I hope my love of life shows through in everything I do, and, my love for my children shows through and through.  Nette

Breath Right Strips

Christopher writes...
“As I watch my aunt doze in a drug-induced slumber across the living room from me, I can't help but smile. It's a rather inappropriate reaction really, especially considering the fact that she can barely breath and is forced to miss work today on account of a mean, nasty cold bug. But I'm smiling for two very purposeful reasons. One reason is because the sounds of her snoring have always been a source of entertainment for children and adults of all ages; this is because each snoring session is unique and original in so many ways. One of my favourite original compositions adopts the pattern of one loud, crude intake of air followed by several sharp puffs that are exhaled in such a comical, ridiculous fashion that one cannot help but be tempted to poke and prod the musician and ask, "Is she just kidding?"
The second and more important reason I'm smiling is because, in that relaxed, vulnerable state my aunt is completely content and unaffected by the world around her (aside from the random buzzing/beeping sounds coming from her blackberry). She is able to dream her own world and experience her own fantasies without the restrictions of logic and social expectation. David Cassidy might invite her to his dressing room backstage after his concert or she might actually win the lottery this week, indulging in her dream of having a quaint little maid to serve her wine and sandwiches.”
I am quite embarrassed printing my nephews comment on my snoring which brings me to my blog today,  My friend told me how happy she is because she finally got some sleep.  Her husband finally used the amazing Breathe Right Strips a couple of nights ago and she comes to work saying she is in heaven.  She didn’t have to sleep in the basement due to his snoring.  Two nights in a row she slept in her own bed and her husband came home from work and said he was full of energy due to getting a good nights sleep.  That gave me the courage to try the Breathe Right Strips.  I thought if I can get a good nights sleep I will try them.  (I was saving them for summer when my friend and I plan a weekend away and I don’t want to be embarrassed by my snoring)  I hesitated because I feared I would wake up with an allergic reaction to the strip and always thought I would try it on a weekend just in case.  So last night I put it on and prayed for no reaction.  You guessed it, I was awake all night worrying about it and feeling the strip attached to the bridge of my nose.  I don’t know if I snored or not but I sure didn’t sleep.  The alarm went off and I jumped out of bed and went to the mirror.  You guessed it.  My nose looked swollen and sure enough when I ripped it off there was a bright red strip on my bridge.  Yikes….  Thank goodness for cover girl.  Yep lots of it on my nose.  Why do I do this to myself.  Yes a good nights sleep is important but I perfer the natural way.  Give me drugs..  Nette

Monday, January 10, 2011

  David and I went for a walk yesterday and got some lovely shots of these chilaxing geese.  We went to future shop Saturday morning and he bought a sweet camera.  It is a Sony 20X slr.  Worth $500.00.  He got it on sale as it was an open box sale for $295.00.  I’m jealous.  We had a nice walk and good conversation.  As we were watching these beautiful birds just minding their own business it brought to mind the tragic incident on New Years Eve.  The birds, witnesses said, died moments after the first blast of fireworks rang out. The spooked fowl flew in a disorientated manner down Speedvale Avenue, hitting power-lines and vehicles “.  When I look at the photo above I can see what a shock the first bang of the fireworks were to these beautiful sleeping geese.  I hope next year they take better care in preparing for the fireworks.  Lets take care of our wildlife and enjoy their beauty.  Nette

Sunday, January 9, 2011

me at 5

scroll to the bottom to see how cute I was as a kid

"Rated" 16+

Ouch… I thought I would enjoy the massage part on my AB DOER but damn it hurts.  I had to move my bestest chair out of the room so I could participate with the video.  I still don’t have enough room.  Plus how can I watch Y&R when I have to watch the video.  I didn’t plan that out well.  The exercises were actually easy enough, it’s just getting the coordination going, especially the figure 8.  I had a hard time focusing because (for the squeamish don’t read this part) my eyes kept staring at John’s crotch,  he has such a big package that I couldn’t help it. (yes I’ve been single too long) But what was curious about it was that at one moment it was hanging to the right and the next it was to the left.  I didn’t see him adjusting or anything.  Anyways I was distracted.  I will do better tomorrow.  (sorry I couldn’t help myself but I had to share that with you.) All in all I think I will do well with it.  Keep me on track followers.  Nette

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I am so blessed that I have such great friends that are encouraging me to keep up my blog.  This one is for them. 
Friendship is that unique relationship that knows no difference, cultural or otherwise.  Everyone wants a friend, a friend to share joys and sorrows with, a friend to care and support in need.  But finding a true friend is not easy. Its not easy becoming a friend or making one. (I have lost a few true friendships in my lifetime and even today it hurts.) Friendship is not a “state of mind” it’s real and it’s in your face.  A friend is someone who makes your life worthwhile.
We all need friends to make our lives better.  In friendship “honesty” is the key word.  One should always be honest to their friends. Praise them honestly and openly. (like, I say to my friends. “You’re the Best”.)  Say sorry, when you hurt your friend. (or family). Don’t let them assume it. 
Be there when they need you or you may wind up alone. (I remember my friend Susan was there for me when my father died.  I think her shoulder was soaked with tears the night I found out he had passed, and she didn’t mind.) So never forget them.
Forgive them for,“ To Err is Human,” and you may make the same mistake and need forgiveness.
Get together often, even just to “shoot the breeze”, Talk often, communication is important. Always remember a friedship is worth it when you are able to enjoy the amazing relationship with no holds barred.  It’s a mutual bond for life that you can’t give up. 
So today enjoy your friendships.  Call them, just to shoot the breeze. And have a great day with a friend. It’s early so I think I will call my friend and take her out to Timmies for a coffee. 
Gotta love friends.  Nette

Friday, January 7, 2011

Part 2 of AB DOER

I had a long day yesterday with getting up a 4:30 to drive Chris to London.  250 km. I got to work on time with time to spare.  When I got home I put together my new chair.  It was quite easy.  Way bigger than I thought, but "wooh-is-me"  it won’t fit in the spot I wanted it to fit.  I think I may have to move my favorite chair (the one I kindly got from Kathy.) I tried it out and was quite clumsy at it so I gave up and will save it until I can watch the video. (it looked so easy on the tv.) (it worked great as a foot stool, while I watched Y&R in my favorite chair.)  Today is half day Friday so I will have time today.  A funny thing happened at break yesterday.  Its flyer Thursday and what do you think is on sale at Walmart.  Yes the AB DOER.  Same price but no extras thrown in, which reminds me when I opened the box I didn’t get my special scale and I thought I was going to get some other stuff.  Do I call and complain?  Have a great day, thanks for following,  Nette

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Abdoer TwistDid I mention I have lost 10 lbs since I have been sick? How to keep it off? While in one of my fever induced moments I watched an infomercial.  Yep you got it I got hooked, lined and sunk.  But it massages you while you work out! Kiddn’ aside it does look good and something I would use.  It is 4 payments of $49.95 (I can afford that).  I can do it while I watch that horrid soap Y&R. I’m on my butt at that hour anyways.  This is my plan.  They threw in so many good stuff too. A bio index scale, videos, book and I don’t remember what else. It will be like Christmas all over.  It really does massage your back I wasn’t kiddn’ about that. 
Speaking of Y&R,  why are we hooked on such a bad show.  I guess for me it is so I can mock it and know I could write a better story line, like for example: when Dasiy gives birth I so would make the baby of African American decent when it pops out into Danny’s waiting hands. That would prove that Danny didn’t have sex with her.  Come on that would be such a great twist. 
Wish me luck that I can keep on track and use my “ABDOER”.  Six pack in 4 mths. Does anyone want to take that bet?  Luv ya all, Nette

Monday, January 3, 2011

Working in 2011

We can’t prolong it any longer. It’s back to work tomorrow.  With being ill up until the other day it really doesn’t seem like I had a holiday.  I am still struggling with some stomach  pain.  It will be nice to get back to normal.  I still have my nephew visiting until this Thursday and I really have enjoyed his company.  Last night we all got together (the seven of us) and had a fantastic games night.  We played the new version of Trivial pursuit, a game called, Things, and another one called Stumblebum.  They were all good.  Stumblebum is a twist on the game charades.  I am blessed to have my family together at this time and will be sad to see my daughter head back to Australia and my nephew back to Calgary.  There’s nothing like a full house.  I sat out on the Stumblebum game and just observed over my laptop.  It was like I was seeing it in slow motion, the laughing and joking between brothers and sisters, (I can see the girls becoming close like sisters in time).  We are all looking forward to my Grandchild being born and showing him/her off, via “Skype”.  Exciting times to come.  I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and I am sure we are all looking forward to the next one.  Family day in February.  So until tomorrow. Nette

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I promised a movie review.  The movie is “Remember Me”. You may be hesitant to watch it if you are not a fan of the Twilight series and the main actor“ Robert Patteson”.  I do think his acting is pretty lame in the series but it is not because he can’t act. He can as he proved in this movie.  It moves a bit slow at first, then picks up.  Be patient. I would have turned it off not because it was slow but because he has a very annoying roommate.  I just wanted him to SHUT UP. 
It’s a tender movie. (There’s a fight scene or two as well.) And a boy girl love story as well.  It moves you, but you don’t realize the degree of it until the climax.  Pierce Brownson plays the dad. He’s all business and no fathering,  but the depths Rob’s character goes to bringing his father into the family is dramatic.  His love for his little sister is so heart wrenching that you may shed a tear. When he is riding his bike downtown New York to get to his father’s office with his little’s sisters art work in hand, the anger is with no doubt so intense you can feel it.  I really don’t want (I do but I won’t) to tell you anymore, you HAVE to watch it and if you don’t totally fall off your chair at the end and bawl, well I’m sorry, you ain’t got a heart.  5 thumbs up for this movie. nette

Day of Recovery

I have been flat on my back for 5 days.  I won’t go in to details but holy crap was I sick.  I finally ate a piece of toast late on day 3 (It looked like toast but didn’t taste like it).  Water and tea, water and tea.  Then, some low salt chicken noodle soup. Yuck. Well, yesterday Chris and I ordered the Festive dinner (Swiss Chalet online), My taste buds have finally returned to somewhat normal.  I ate slowly and only had a small portion. Damn it was good.  As I was concentrating on enjoying the taste and eating slowly I realized that I have forgotten to slow down and enjoy a meal.  Gobble Gobble and it’s done.  This year I am going to make an effort to “not pig out”. 
Most people have a lot of criticism regarding New Year’s resolutions.  “Why make them if you’re only going to break them?”  Etc.  I never make them for that reason.  My “goal” this year is to make some health changes, one is to eat slowly for not only the reason above but also for the fact that at my age my metabolism is dramatically low so this may help improve that.  Exercise is always on our list.  Yes it will be a “goal” of mine.  The hardest of all in my opinion, for me anyways and I don’t even know why. 
I wish you all a healthy and prosperous 2011, you are all blessed and I am blessed to have such wonderful loving friends and family.  Cheers to all of you. Nette
P.S. look forward to a movie review I will post soon.  oh so good.