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Monday, December 13, 2010

My Kindle

I just finished reading the 3rd book of a trilogy on my Kindle. The author Phillippa Gregory is one of my favorite authors and this trilogy was very good but quite disturbing. Book one “Wideacre” involved an incestuous relationship between brother and sister. They had two kids together, boy and girl.  The 2nd   book “The Favored Child” was also incestuous with the brother and sister thinking they were cousins and when they found out they were in fact siblings and she was “with child” (by rape by her brother) she went to drown the baby…. The 3rd  involved The Bastard daughter of the 2nd book and she was sold to gypsies and sold again to a circus family.  Of course she dreams of her home and somehow makes her way to “Wideacre”.  The other trilogy I am reading is “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”, and the 2nd, The Girl who played with fire.  I am waiting for the 3rd  “The Girl who kicked the Hornets nest” to come out in paperback. I dread it because it is soooo long. ( I have the first 2 in paper back so I won't be downloading the 3rd on my Kindle.)  But I am one who finishes a book or series.   I love my Kindle and love that you can download a sample of a book before buying it.  I started reading Ken Folletts new trilogy “Fall of Giants.” (Whats with me and Trilogy’s now.) Good so far. So for anyone thinking about getting a Kindle or any other ebook, Go for it, it’s the way of the future. Hope you are enjoying a good read.  Nette 


  1. You're just trying to wear me down on getting an e-reader, aren't you? Perhaps I should get Scott to talk to you about Xmas present ideas. :)

  2. I'm warming up to the idea of the Kindle . . . but I still really like the nostalgia of a good book.
