my family

my family
can't we have a serious photo for once

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The night before the storm.

 I sit here hunkered down in my den warm and cozy just waiting for the 35 to 40 cm of snow to begin.  Rumor has it we may get a phone call in the morning that work is cancelled. My first snow day ever.  When we were little and in school I don’t ever remember school closing because of snow.  That just didn’t happen.  My mom with 6 kids would have made us go no matter what.  (can you blame her)
So what do I plan for tomorrow.  First I will stay in my PJ’s for sure. I’ll have my laptop handy, and play a few games of scrabble.  (did I tell you I hate the 2 minute countdown.  It’s like playing perfection. The game you have to put various shapes into holes until the timer runs out and then POP, they all fly out and scare the hell out of me.) Same thing goes for the 2 minute scrabble.  I keep looking at the time running out and then I freeze and don’t get a word in time. I will read on my kindle, Ken Foletts “Fall of the Giants”  I might watch a movie, play my Nintendo DS.  What else.  Uck laundry and shovel driveway.  But I won’t think about that now.  I’ll just daydream about the fun stuff I will do.  Lets hope we have a huge storm and that everyone stays safe at home.  I’ll let you know what happens.  Bummer if I have to go to work then all this daydreaming is for nothing. 


  1. Let's hope the daydreaming is not for nothing. It's been a long time since I had a snow day. :)

  2. yep we only got about ten cm of snow. got the morning off but had to be in by one. lunchbag let down
