my family

my family
can't we have a serious photo for once

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I have decided to write my Christmas note now in the New Year.  Wow 2011.  My Christmas was filled with family.  Laura and her new husband Sean are home from Australia. Michael and Audrey are expecting their first baby in March and I am so excited.  They are very happy together.  David is now 20 years old but still my baby.  My nephew (Charlottes son) Christopher was here for Christmas as well.  We all enjoyed his visit and played lots of fun board games together. 
Laura is in her final year of Medical School and will be returning to Australia on Jan. 20th.  She will be gone for about 5 months without Sean.  He is staying here now that he has a good job at a bank.  I am glad Laura has been here since all the flooding in Australia.  The house that Laura and Sean were living in before, they left was totally covered in the flood.  They donated all their furniture before they flew back to Canada.  Laura will be staying with a girlfriend when she returns.  Her house was partly flooded as well.  It looks like Laura will be going back to quite a mess.  We will all miss her but also look forward to May when she will be back working at Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto for her elective. 
Mike and Audrey live in an older quant house here in town.  They are getting ready for the baby and before Christmas we went Crib shopping.  We got a beautiful one at 40% off at Sears.  Mike works at a restaurant here in Guelph.  Good food.  Audrey works at a little café downtown and will work until little “Stanley” (if it’s a boy) arrives.  No name picked yet if it’s a girl.
David works at a department store and likes it.  He is thinking about going to university in a year.  He would like to get into a career working with animals.  (reptiles) 
And as for me.  I am doing wonderfully.  Love my house and family and I have lots of good friends.  My work at the doctors office is going well.  We have a nice staff of 8 doctors and my co-workers are awesome.  I have taken up a new hobby which is photography.  I have also started a blog called “Jeanette’s Day by Day” on 
So until next time I see you or hear from you all my best to you and your family, 
                            Love Nette

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